亲宝小说>玄幻奇幻>小天师别想跑>第36章 ………………

  Two people drove back to the villa, hurriedly parked the car, he was impatient to hold the year after year off.

  When every year is surprised, it is Cheng Han performance too monkey anxious.

  It was the first time he had seen Cheng Han like this hurry. He knew he had been holding it for a long time, but it wasn't that exaggerated, was it

  Cheng Han single hand holding Xiangxiang year after year, reach out fingerprints to open the door of the house.

  He didn't want to put him down at all. He just wanted to keep him there.


  "Baby …………" Close the door with your foot.

  He didn't turn on the light, and he pressed the Nian against the door in the porch.

  Since Nian Nian together, Cheng Han felt that he was as if he had skin hunger, wish they could have been close contact.

  He does not know how others fall in love with him, but he cannot leave every year, every year of everything he wants to have.

  The quiet night, in the quiet living room, issued a reverie sound.

  Into the room, the lips of two people have not been separated, like cherry blossom pink and red luster.

  "Baby, let's take the last step today, okay" A petite whisper.

  I did everything before, but I just didn't get to the last step.

  But today, he couldn't help it. Baby, it was so sexy.

  He's not gonna put up with it today.

  Even speaking in a low, broken voice, unwilling to leave this sweet, delicious and charming place.

  Year after year put his arm around Cheng Han's neck, breathing heavily.

  "We haven't bathed yet." A sentence is finished several times.

  It is Cheng Han too enthusiastic, and domineering not to let every year there is a trace of the possibility of escape.

  His lip must be swollen, so hard he can't breathe.

  It's too much to give him any chance of escape.

  "The baby ………… I'll wash with you." Say hug year after year.

  Let him hang on his strong waist, and put one hand around his waist and rub the other back and forth on the neck…………

  "Baby, you can't escape today! Otherwise I would have gone even further." Every time, he didn't make it to the final step because he said he was afraid, and today he will never relent.

  Year after year a little afraid, after all, it does not seem to match, he is afraid of pain.

  "I'm afraid of the pain." His eyes were wet.

  He buried his head on his shoulder, not daring to look straight at him。

  He also knew that he had to endure hard, but he was really afraid, too big.

  "Baby don't be afraid, believe me, it won't hurt the baby." In order to go on smoothly, he specially read a lot of learning materials.

  "HMMM! Year after year shy promise.

  Cheng Han put Nian Nian on the bed and then went to drain the water.

  It's getting a little cold now.

  He must turn on the heat and hot water first, otherwise he will be ill if he catches a cold.

  Cheng Han runs water in the bathroom and waits for the bathtub to fill up.

  He took off his clothes and came out naked.

  From the bathroom to the bed.

  "Why aren't you dressed" Immediately shy hands to cover the face.

  "Hehe... Baby, who needs clothes to wash in the shower" Hold up the year after year, really too light, feel like a baby.

  I put my arms around his neck. He didn't want to fall.

  Dare not speak, face red and low head, brain is a mess, can not think of anything.

  "Baby, let me help you." He was more than happy to help the baby, and he couldn't wait for something like that.

  "The baby is so beautiful!" Look straight at the year after year.

  It was the most beautiful he had ever seen, and it really whetted his appetite without doing anything.

  Every year he stood trembling, he was dying of shame, and Hang kept staring at him.

  Every year I sit in the bathtub with my hands and feet.

  Cheng Han looked at his lovely behavior, really suit his appetite, excited he wanted to ………… MHM.

  They are all so many times, just shy of the last step, but the baby is still so shy, really let him can not help but bully him a lot.

  But the first time, get off to a good start. Stay steady.

  "Baby! ... Take it easy! ... I'll wash it for you." Then he went to the bathtub and sat down.

  Sit behind Nian, let him sit between his legs and help him wash, every now and thenmu~mu~。

  Year after year is not dare to move, can only follow the instructions of Cheng Han, let the hand to lift the hand.

  He already felt something against his waist behind him, and he really didn't want to be in the bathroom.

  "Oh, Hanger, all right" Cheng Han washed the whole body soft, no strength.

  He thinks it's okay. He doesn't want to be in the tub anymore.

  He is now soft, stand up have no strength, can only wait for Cheng Han to take him to bed.

  "Hiss, baby ……………… Don't worry!" He won't be in the tub, but he could have a little tofu.

  "All right! ..................... Baby, let's go chuangshang..." It feels like there's enough heat in the room.

  Pick him up, towel him dry, throw him on the counter.

  Now he just wants to take him to his room.

  "The baby ………… Hold on!" Hold it in one hand.

  Sticky to the bed, put Nian on the bed, then press up…………。


  All things fall into place, the night is just beginning, and the moon only sees the stars in the room and does not dare to probe in.

  At 2 ., the figure in the room was still shaking.

  "Uh... uh... That's enough! I don't want to!!" He's really tired. It's been a long time.

  "Baby, call brother, I'll stop ……………" Whispering in his ear.

  Nian Nian has not been able to distinguish the truth of his words, can only be called brother.

  "... Uuuuh... Brother... " A clingy sound will only make you want to stop.

  "Baby, one last time. Trust me." Very deceptively sexy voice.


  What about the last time It never ends, does it

  This dog man, he's not afraid of him.

  "... cheater I don't trust you anymore!" Sure enough, men can't be trusted when it comes to these things.

  Cheng Han hard work, delicious current how can not eat, he has been waiting for a long time to really eat.

  He couldn't get enough of it, because the baby was so tempting.

  An hour later Nian passed out before it was over.

  Cheng Han took every year to the bathroom to clean up, almost caught fire again, but see every year is too tired, can not stand his toss, can only regret the flame out.

  Carry Nian to his old room.

  Cheng Han lay down on one side, and then reached out to hold Nian Nian, afraid of his waist discomfort, let him lie on his own body to sleep.

  Satisfied with holding the soft year after year, Cheng Han looked at him fondly, and reached out to help him massage his waist to relieve his discomfort.

  Cheng Han felt that he was not sleepy at all, his brain was very active, and he could not sleep.

  I thought that the baby's body was still too weak, and I must supervise his exercise to enhance his physique in the future.

  Every year if you know Cheng Han think so, must beat him up, who can toss from the night to about three o 'clock in the morning, Cheng Han is not afraid of kidney deficiency.

  But Nian was too tired to even be put to bed.

  But he is not used to sleeping on his stomach, tired of moving hands, and finally too tired to lift the strength of the hand, let alone want to roll over, can only be unwilling to fall into a deep sleep.